

La organización sin fines de lucro de seguridad en Internet Quad9 nombra a Timo Koster como Director de estrategia.

Quad9 anuncia el nombramiento de Timo Koster como Director de Estrategia.

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The Internet Society and Quad9 Partner to Deliver Advanced DNS Security to Cities at the Edge

The Internet Society (ISOC) and Quad9 today announced the completion of their first successful partnership for expansion of DNS-based privacy and security services.

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Quad9 Selects EdgeUno to Expand their Services Throughout Latin America

May 10, 2022 -- Miami, (USA) / Zürich (Switzerland) EdgeUno and Quad9 today announced their partnership where EdgeUno is supplying Quad9 with servers and network connectivity in several locations throughout Latin America to further expand the global reach of their DNS security service.

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Quad9 bolsters its DNS coverage with’s global network’s low-latency network enables a better experience for Quad9 users. We can attribute about 30 million blocking events in the past month to these sites.

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Mobile Provisioning Profiles

iOS Mobile Provisioning Profiles for Quad9 protective DNS services

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Has Led to Increased Cyber Risk - Protect Yourself With Quad9

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has increased global cyber risk. Users can protect themselves and mitigate against cyber attacks by implementing Quad9.

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DNS4EU - Perspectiva y situación de Quad9

Quad9 dedica sus esfuerzos a "elevar el nivel" de los operadores de rDNS en todos los ámbitos. Esperábamos que esta licitación creara incentivos para que los operadores de rDNS con sede en la UE (proveedores de servicios de Internet, empresas de telecomunicaciones, operadores de servicios de red o plataformas de rDNS) trabajen para conseguir un conjunto equivalente de directrices de privacidad y seguridad. Esperábamos que Quad9 fuese uno de los diversos candidatos ganadores que financiaran la expansión y la optimización del servicio en toda la UE.

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Prensa Partners With Quad9 to Provide Predictive DNS Cybersecurity Protection

AI-powered engine brings predictive intelligence to Quad9 protective DNS to deliver unprecedented early identification of threats.

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El Tribunal alemán falla en contra de la organización sin fines de lucro de seguridad en Internet Quad9 en su primera audiencia frente a Sony Music de Alemania

La libertad mundial del Internet se ve amenazada por una sentencia sobre derechos de autor que apunta a un proveedor de DNS no relacionado.

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Internet Security Non-Profit Quad9 Files Appeal Against Copyright Lawsuit from Sony Music Germany

The non-profit Swiss DNS provider Quad9, has filed an objection against an interim injunction (310 O 99/21) obtained by Sony Music Germany from the Hamburg Regional Court. This injunction requires Quad9 to implement network blocks that has the potential to set a precedent for other Internet organizations which are drawn into a copyright case in Germany as well as other EU nations.

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