
Australian Cyber Security Company Now Assisting the Global DNS Community

Brisbane, 14 May, 2021 - Australia’s leading IP Transit and Security as a Service company, Global Secure Layer (GSL), today announced its new global partnership with Quad9 - a not-for-profit recursive Domain Name System (DNS) security platform - that exists to improve end user protection and privacy worldwide.
This recent global partnership will enable Quad9 to increase their international capacity by leveraging Global Secure Layer’s expansive interconnected backbone network and server resources. GSL is providing latest generation hardware as well as DDoS protected carrier-grade transit across three continents.
Chief Executive Officer for Global Secure Layer, Nathan Harding said the international partnership will allow Quad9 to drastically increase their global transit capacity as well as enable GSL to showcase their inline DDoS mitigation platform.

“We are excited to provide Quad9 the robust global network they require allowing them to increase their transit and server capacity and continue to provide their DNS services, ultimately making the internet a safer and more protected space,” said Nathan.

“Being a company that specialises in DDoS protection and security, this strategic partnership was a perfect fit for us. Quad9 really is setting a new benchmark in regards to best practice for privacy and security and clearly aligns with our company stance within the security industry.”

General Manager for Quad9, John Todd said Global Secure Layer is a vital partner with philosophical alignment in the security and privacy spaces and whose high-performance global network adds a great deal of resilience and performance to the current Quad9 footprint. They are a forward thinking organisation that holds privacy and security at the core of their business.

“In addition to helping us grow our worldwide capacity, the team at GSL have enabled us to expand our foothold in Australia and the Pacific Rim to provide more complete coverage for the region. This would not have been possible without their support and allows us to service a whole new community of users that were previously difficult to reach,” said John.

“Being a not-for-profit organisation, we can only achieve our mission of a safer and more robust internet with the support of our partners such as Global Secure Layer. These types of alliances are imperative to our growth and the overall security and privacy of our future internet.”

About Global Secure Layer
Global Secure Layer is an IP Transit company specialising in Security as a Service; headquartered in Australia and currently servicing the Asia-Pacific, North American and European markets. GSL operates a world-class global fibre backbone network, providing reliable, secure and low latency solutions to top-tier enterprise organisations. Global Secure Layer has designed and operates its own global Anycast DDoS mitigation system.

About Quad9
Quad9 is a free service that replaces your default ISP or enterprise Domain Name Server (DNS) configuration. When your computer performs any internet transaction that uses the DNS, Quad9 blocks lookups of malicious host names from an up-to-the-minute list of threats. This blocking action protects you from a wide range of threats such as malware, phishing, spyware, and botnets, and it can improve performance in addition to guaranteeing privacy. The Quad9 DNS service is operated by the Swiss-based Quad9 Foundation, whose non-profit mission is to provide a safer and more robust Internet for everyone.